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Why Meaningful Work Is Essential To Your Career Change

    If you're going through a career change, meaningful work should be the utmost priority.  One-third of your life is spent at work so you better get satisfaction and fulfillment out of your work.    You need to find a career or job that clicks with you. Not what...

How Automating Tasks Preserves Willpower

Willpower or self-control is the ability to delay short-term gratification for long-term gain. It is what separates those who are 'successful' from those who are not. Research has shown that willpower is like a muscle - if you overwork it fatigues. This leaves you...

Doing A Sales Elevator Pitch? 20 Seconds Is All You Have

On the weekend I attended the inaugural Startcon in Sydney – the largest Start-up conference in Australia. One speaker, a  Silicon Valley VC called Bill Reichert spent 45 minutes dissecting what the ideal sales elevator pitch looks like.  After being pitched thousands...
Why Time Is More Valuable Than Money

Why Time Is More Valuable Than Money

We've all heard the maxim "time is money", which is meant to highlight the importance of time, where wasting time is equivalent to wasting money. Let me explain why I believe time is more valuable than money.  Money loses value, money can be replaced. How many...

Is The Conventional Career Outdated?

Is The Conventional Career Outdated?

As our world becomes more mobile and transient, so too are our working lives. Some sources are now suggesting millennials change jobs four times before the age of 32. No wonder many believe the conventional career is outdated. Living through the GFC, sustained low...

How Formal Education Is Failing Students

How Formal Education Is Failing Students

Since graduating from University from my Science degree - I vowed never to go back again to formal study. It's not because I had a bad experience. The lecturers, tutors and friends made will stay with me for life. It's because it simply taught you to jump through...

The Most Important Asset To Any Business

The Most Important Asset To Any Business

Your staff are the most important asset to your business.  For my sales consultations, before I begin working with a client, I first establish expectations and goals - and whether I can help the client achieve those. If the expectations are unreasonable, budget too...

The Value Of Looking Outside Your Profession – Escape Your Silo

The Value Of Looking Outside Your Profession – Escape Your Silo

It's not often Formula One and Paediatric Surgeons are mentioned in the same sentence.  Yet surgeons at Great Ormand Street Hospital for Children looked to Ferrari's pit-stop team for inspiration to improve the efficiency and effectiveness when transporting patients...

Your Business Is Not About You

Your Business Is Not About You

"Be Your Own Boss" "Follow Your Passion" "Escape 9 til 5". When I hear statements like this, alarms bells immediately go off. Whether it be through Facebook targeted ads, or a friend who convinces me to attend some MLM event - it revolves around the same selfish...

Why Work-life Balance Is Bullshit

Why Work-life Balance Is Bullshit

Work-life Balance is the notion of balancing your career with your lifestyle. So it goes, if an employer provides flexible working arrangements, additional holiday leave, work from home etc irrespective of your job - you will have a great work-life balance. It's...

Keep Your Day Job When Changing Careers

Keep Your Day Job When Changing Careers

*Disclaimer - I have nothing against specialised careers. They are integral to our society (Doctors/Lawyers/Scientists). I simply believe there are too many people that fall into these careers for the wrong reasons. Let me tell you why you should keep your day job...

So…What do you do?

So…What do you do?

You'll be out and about and someone will ask "so what do you do"?  This has to be the most irritating question anyone can ask- yet I still observe this constantly - think back to when you were last at a social gathering, bar or party and you've just met someone....

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